There are so many ways to talk about who I am, so let's start with my Human Design: I am a 5/2 Sacral Generator. Triple split definition with the Left Angle Cross of Incarnation (44/24 | 7/13).
Next up, my astrology signs: Scorpio Sun, Libra Rising, and Aries Moon. I'm a mix of depth & sensitivity, a strong sense of truth, and fiery determination.
On a human level, I’m addicted to movement, from HIIT, weightlifting, and running to soft yoga sessions. Beyond coaching, I’m also a Yoga Teacher. I love spiritual cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance, and women’s circles, but you’ll also find me at countless techno raves (I also work as a face-paint artist), sipping wine, or buying myself pretty things, as I used to work in luxury fashion. Just like my star signs, I’m a mix of extreme: depth and fire, spirituality and intensity. But one thing never changes: my sunshine energy. I’m here to catalyze growth within others and myself, I love the heat, and I pour all my energy into shining bright every single day - no matter who tries to dim my light.
I envision a world where TRUTH RULES.
We own and love our uniqueness.
It is that simple. I am so fed up with all the things we are told to be and not to be.
We live in a world where too many of us feel wrong, where people trust a random magazine more than their own body, where we ask ChatGPT for answers instead of our intuition. We have created a world full of self-doubt, hate, mental illness, and pain - because we are taught to be anything but ourselves.
But I know there is a different reality: A world where we celebrate each other’s uniqueness. Where we know exactly who we are. Where we feel empowered to live in a way we love and empower others to do the same. We earn money doing what lights us up. We date the ones who make us happy. We stop sleepwalking through life. We wake up. We choose to live in a world of light instead of being asleep in a world full of darkness. And I know it is possible. Because we’ve been given a tool: the black-and-white proof of who you are. Your Human Design. The truth you always knew deep inside. And I won't stop until every soul knows at least the basics of their chart, just like they know their star sign.

If you had asked teenage me, I would have run away from the idea of becoming an entrepreneur. Way too much work.But apparently, I couldn’t ignore my soul’s calling.
It started with a diploma in psychology out of boredom during COVID, then a coaching certification, and eventually, it led me to Bali. That’s where the magic happened.
I became friends with a coach who casually told me, “You could just start charging. I can tell you’re great just by how you speak.” That was it.
I built a tiny website, and within a week, I had a conversation with a girl who, after I reflected her dating pattern back to her, asked, “How do you know so much?” I hesitated but said, "Well, I work as a coach." Nervously, I sent her my website. She booked me. Instantly. And I was blown away. Months later, back in Barcelona, something still felt missing in my work as a coach, so I paused, took a yoga teacher training just for myself, and one weekend, I stumbled upon a Human Design event... I didn’t believe in it at all. As a German, I have always been quite rational, and spirituality didn’t fit in... yet. But I signed up anyway. Just out of curiosity. And it changed everything. I loved every single minute of the eight-hour workshop. The next day at the gym, I shared what I learned with people I met, and a girl asked, “Can you read my chart?” I could. It didn’t take more than a workshop for me to understand it - or better, to remember my calling. “Do you have coaching packages?” was her next question. I didn’t. So that night, I created one. The next day, I sold my first coaching package. The rest is history. I became obsessed with Human Design, quit my corporate job, moved to Bali, and built my business for good. But this whole journey wasn’t just about creating a career. I had to face what was holding me back and transform it - my confidence, my relationship with my parents, my limiting beliefs. And that is why I love doing what I do. Human Design didn’t just transform my career - it transformed me.